Breaking The Silence Documentary
You Are Not Alone
Domestic Violence Resources
Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233)
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More Than a Name, It's My Life!
From Trauma to Triumph
NIKE | A Memoir
What if I told you the keys to your success were in your purse? Would you find them?
CAUTION! You should only read this book if you are prepared to change your life.
We are created to be great by design. And, yet, because of life’s trials, we begin to feel that VICTORY is unattainable. Let’s crush that lie!
Victory already belongs to you. Nike was beaten, but she kept fighting! She was abused, but she kept fighting! You have been a lot of things, but if you keep fighting, you too will turn your trials into triumph.
Nike: From Trauma to Triumph is for those of us who know that life is not perfect. Although tired and exhausted, we are determined to be victorious. Tackling tough issues doesn’t require tough people—it requires a willingness to endure the journey.
Nike is one of the 70% of adults in the US who have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. While acknowledging trauma is important, just talking about it isn't enough. We also need to take action and commit to being done with trauma and drama bonding! Healing and victory can no longer be delayed. Let’s go!